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Showing posts with label Irony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Irony. Show all posts

29 April 2008

Oh, The Irony!

Ken Livingstone has called Kate Hoey "a sort of semi-detached member" of the Labour Party after she has announced that she will work as an advisor to Boris Johnson on sport and the 2012 Olympics should he be elected on Thursday.

Oh, the irony of Ken - the man who originally stood and was elected for London Mayor as an independent, against the official Labour candidate, and only brought back in because Labour wanted a winner - of referring to anyone else as "semi-detached" from the Labour Party!

Oh, the irony! You really couldn't make it up.

01 December 2007

The very definition of irony: daredevil Evel Knievel dies of natural causes.

08 November 2007

Most Ironic Statement Of The Day

I believe there should be a cap on donations [to political parties]...
I believe that should be set at £50,000. I believe there should be more state funding.
There needs to be a cap on what we are donating in terms of fund-raising. There needs to be a ceiling put on how much we can spend on elections. - Lord Cashpoint Levy
... Spoken by the man who single-handedly caused the "cash-for-honours" scandal.

State funding of political parties is just a bad idea. If a party can't raise enough money from its supporters, it doesn't deserve to exist. It also also, as the ASI point out, bad for democracy.

24 October 2007

Deliciously ironic:
The long running saga of the new EU embassy in London has taken a deeply ironical twist. The plans are now for the EU to either buy outright or rent 32 Smith Square, for years the Headquarters of the Conservative Party...
The only other building under serious consideration is 25 Victoria Street, which is currently the office of... [the] Conservatives In The European Parliament. (England Expects)
I bet if this does come to anything, they'll be a large number of people telling the Conservative Party not to allow it to happen.

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