I'm confused by this:
"Millions of pounds are set to be paid out by the Government to prisoners kept in jail beyond their release dates.When one thousand criminals were released early just a month ago, and they plan to let 25,000 go early every year, how on earth is this government failing to ensure that those who sentences have ended go free? It seems extraordinarily odd to be releasing some before their sentences are over whilst at the same time detaining other after their release dates have arrived.
More than 50 inmates, including murderers and rapists, are preparing to submit claims for damages, arguing that delays to their parole hearings breached their human rights. That figure is expected to rise because the number of deferred hearings has trebled from 155 in 2004-05 to 513 last year. Total compensation could top £7 million." (The Telegraph)
When criminals held in police stations because the prisons are full are getting fed takeaway food every night, costing £700 every week at just one police station, why are they enabling criminals to sue the government for breaching their human rights for detaining them after the end of their sentence in prison, and costing the taxpayer £100 in compensation for each and every day of delay?!
They are throwing millions of pounds of our money away because they are too incompetent to fix the prison system. As Nick Herbet, Shadow Justice Secretary, said:
"It is appalling that public money should be wasted like this.This is a serious problem that needs to be fixed.
It could have paid for secure accommodation so that violent offenders are not released early onto our streets. Gordon Brown's refusal when he was chancellor to provide sufficient prison capacity has overloaded the prison and probation services, and re-offending has soared."
But I'm still confused as to how they can be releasing some early because of overcrowding and yet detaining others past the end of the sentence.
Source: The Telegraph